Saturday 13 November 2010

My life is a box full....

... books!!! :)))
This is how I spend my days at work... putting books in boxes to send them to storage... I discover so many amazing things while doing this, hidden books that I have never seen before, huge books full of recipes (yeah, Roula's paradise), and little literature treasures like "breakfast at Tiffany's". I feel like I am digging to find gold!!! And you can see a huge smile on my face when I find something interesting to buy. That is the beauty of working in a book store like this... The only thing that I really hate is that I am the one who has to carry these boxes... YIKES!!!!
Ps I should really open a bank account with money only to buy books... :)

1 comment:

  1. oh, nek, how i understand you! i grew up with books, they were my best friends and helped me to be a better person.
    on top of all that, my uncle had a bookstore/staionery shop, and i spent looong hours in there, fascinated by all and rounded by such wisdom. i still smell the exciting aura only books can give!
